Doctor's Prescription to Madrid's Soccer Players
and Athletes: ISSHŌ GENKI Squalene iP6™
Dr. Don Carlos Tomas Simorte Moreno is a medical doctor in Spain who specializes in trauma-tologic, orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. He looks after injured athletes, soccer players in particular, as well as those in the field of basketball, tennis, taekwando, judo, rugby, equitation, etc. As part of his treatments, he has been using Isshō Genki Squalene iP6 and here follows his comment based on his experience.
I have observed in those sports an increasing number of "cartilaginous defaults" in the articulations, generalized and serious lesions in the knee, ankle, wrist, hip and elbow. These are confirmed by:
Complementary studies: radiological, bony gammagraphic, MRI, CAT scans;
Arthroscopic surgery wherein the presence of a cartilaginous defect is detected (lecking sickness, condromalacia, osteocondritis) in 60% of patients (20% with primary lesions, 80% with secondary lesions).
In the past, medical doctors and orthopedic surgeons had few options. The past years have produced some "therapeutic solutions":
Pharmacological means, glugocymine sulfate, condroitine sulfate, "A.C.Hialuronico" etc.
New surgical techniques (cartilage transplant, genetic culture of antologic condrocities, intra articulation biologic implant).
After taking into consideration the growing concern of such type of lesions and my wide experience with orthopedic and sports-related injuries, I highly recommend and prescribe Isshō Genki Squalene iP6. Below are some of the reasons:
It is a natural product and has no doping effects on the athletes.
It helps improve and facilitate healing of damages in the articulation cartilages
It helps remove free radicals in these articulations.
Apart from treatments in the field of sport, I found another very important application having great benefits... the elderly. I found it useful in cases of osteoarthrosis and the deficient articular mobility due to anquilosis, as well as muscle and tendon retractions. I strongly believe the Isshō Genki Squalene iP6 has positive effects with regard to clinical improvement of secondary chronicle anthrogies connected with the old age of muscles, bones and articulations.
I highly recommend Isshō Genki Squalene iP6 to be a regular part of a nutritional diet for athletes as well as the elderly.
Don Carlos Tomas Simorte Moreno
Rachel Temple, Dip ION
South of England
I am a Nutrition Consultant with a busy practice in the South of England. I came across Issho Genki Squalene about five years ago, and since that time the product has become my most frequently prescribed supplement. This is not surprising, since Squalene is so basic to our metabolic needs that it can achieve results over a wide range of conditions. One of my first clients had chronic bronchiectasis, with a lung infection that hadn’t cleared after three courses of antibiotics. Five days on Squalene, and the infection cleared completely. Not only that, but as long as she remained on Squalene, she was infection free (very unusual with her condition).
People frequently report back that the first thing they notice is “my digestive system is so much more comfortable”. I feel that Squalene is very healing for the digestive tract, it helps to reestablish proper production of acid and enzymes, so food and nutrients are better absorbed. For this reason, I have drastically lowered my prescription of other supplements, making the Squalene cost-effective for my clients. Added to this, Squalene is a potent “detoxifier”, helping to clear the body of heavy metals and chemicals. Just a few days ago I recommended it to a client with fragile health who had inadvertantly taken an overdose of a certain drug. It is wonderful to have a product available that will help protect the liver under these kind of conditions.
I now have a number of “squalene babies”, children born to mothers who took a small dose of Squalene throughout pregnancy. I usually prescribe this because of some prior health problem of the mother, and on several occasions the medical staff have been surprised at how healthy and mature the babies have been. Two months ago a lady who was only four foot eleven inches tall, and very tiny, delivered twins weighing six and seven pounds respectively. She had been on squalene throughout pregnancy. The twins are thriving, and she had virtually no stretch marks!
I use Squalene myself, on a daily basis, and I give it to my whole family. As somebody who is self-employed, and who is in the health business, I cannot afford to be ill. Squalene is my insurance policy -- and well worth the cost. I would recommend it to anyone, and would consider that everyone over the age of thirty would notice the benefit.
Ado Escudero, Owner-Villa Escudero
My blood chemistry used to be a nightmare. I would frequently experience shortness of breath and I was diagnosed to have a very high uric acid level. But after taking Issho Genki Squalene, I noticed that my blood chemistry normalized.