OFFICIAL Issho Genki Website: http://www.isshogenki.com/
1. What is Squalene?
Squalene is a remarkable nutrient produced in our bodies and is also found in nature. It belongs to a class of antioxidants called isoprenoids. An isoprenoid is a cell-friendly molecule that neutralizes the harmful effects of excessive free radicals in the body.
2. What are free radicals?
Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons. When these invade the body cells, they act like knives that slash cell membranes of our body. Excessive free radical production due to environmental pollution, harmful UV radiation and toxic chemicals poses a tremendous threat to our body cells causing disease states such as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, dermatological system disorders, cataract and other age-related diseases of man.
3. How do free radicals damage the cell?
Free radicals damage our cells in many ways. Picture a healthy cell with a cell membrane, which is the protective coat of the cell. At its center is the nucleus with an enveloping nuclear membrane. Free radicals can cause damage by:
- Breaking off the cell membrane, destroying the cell's identity.
- Puncturing the cell membrane, allowing harmful bacteria and viruses to enter easily.
- Destroying the nuclear membrane, exposing the nucleus and the genes.
This series of destructive events render the cell susceptible to mutation of cells, immune system disorders, cell death, tissue damage and eventually diseases.
4. Why is there a need to protect our cells?
Cells are the basic unit of life. Our bodies are composed of hundreds of millions of cells. Cells combine to form the entire human body. Life and health begins at the cell level - the healthier our cells are, the healthier we are. Unfortunately, our bodies are undergoing unprecedented attack from pollutants, carcinogens and increased ultraviolet radiation which induces the formation of excessive free radicals in the body. Our bodies cannot cope up with increased free radical production.
5. What are isoprenoids?
Our bodies are protected with cell-friendly molecules called isoprenoids. Very simply, isoprenoids are a group of organic molecules consisting of isoprene units. An isoprene unit is a benchmark of efficacy of an antioxidant. It is the isoprenoids chief weapon in fighting cell damaging free radicals. The more isoprene units and the more stable the isoprenoid molecule the more effective the isoprenoid is in neutralizing free radicals. Isoprenoids are found in nature. Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lycopene, beta-carotene and coenzyme Q10 are all isoprenoids. Olive oil and various plants contain isoprenoid but only in minimal quantities. A rich source of natural isoprenoid is Squalene.
6. What are the beneficial properties of the isoprenoid - Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
Issho Genki Squalene iP6's foremost benefit is cell protection - protecting our cells from the disease-causing effects of free radicals. A healthy cell leads to a healthy body. The healthier our cells are, the healthier we are!
Various studies and laboratory findings have established that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is a cancer preventive agent. It prevents ordinary cells from becoming cancer cells.
Issho Genki Squalene iP6 protects the heart. Conclusive evidence shows that Squalene iP6 is able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, particularly the bad cholesterol [LDL-cholesterol] and increase levels of good cholesterol [HDL cholesterol]. It thereby protects us from the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Issho Genki Squalene iP6 helps prevent premature aging. Squalene is found abundantly in human skin and is considered the skin's natural antioxidant. It effectively combats free radicals induced by UV rays of the sun. It thereby makes the skin healthier, radiant and younger-looking.
7. How does Issho Genki Squalene iP6 differ from other isoprenoids?
There are mixed and pure isoprenoids and these differ from others in function and potency. Isoprenoids such as vitamin E have three isoprene units, ubiquinone [also known as coenzyme Q10] have ten isoprene units. Both Vitamin E and CoEnQ10 are called mixed isoprenoids because the isoprene units are attached to a mother molecule.
Squalene is a pure isoprenoid - wherein it is not attached to another molecule. It has six isoprene units providing it stability in its function as an antioxidant. The stability of the isoprenoid molecule determines its effectiveness in combating cell damaging free radicals. The more stable the isoprenoid, the more free radicals are neutralized, and the more cells are protected.
8. What is the best source of isoprenoids?
Squalene can also be found in olives, green and leafy vegetables, and wheat germ but only in minute quantities, which are insufficient to replenish the much-needed isoprenoid as a person ages. An abundant source of Squalene can be extracted from the livers of the deep-sea dogfish, which are encapsulated and taken in as dietary supplements.
Not many of us know that Squalene is already present in our bodies, primarily in the skin. We were born with an abundance of natural Squalene. That is why when we were babies, our skin is radiant, soft and smooth. But as we reach the age of 25, the levels of this isoprenoid decreases, resulting to the occurrence of various disease conditions. It is in this light that the need for additional supplementation of the isoprenoid arises - Squalene is needed to replace that which was depleted.
Issho Genki Genuine Squalene is a rich source of natural isoprenoid.
9. Is Issho Genki Squalene iP6 safe?
Issho Genki Genuine Squalene iP6 is guaranteed to be 99.9 percent pure and natural Squalene as certified by the Japan Food Research Laboratories - one of the most stringent laboratories in the world. With this, consumers are ensured that what they are taking is pure-grade, high-quality Squalene without the presence of synthetic additives, artificial colorings or preservatives.
Scientific research and clinical trials have shown that Squalene is safe as a dietary supplement in food and in capsules and no untoward incidents have been reported in the use of Squalene. Squalene has been used by the Japanese people for centuries and has attributed their strength and health to this substance.
And besides... what can be safer than a substance which is already present in your bodies.
10. Are there any side effects associated with taking Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
So far, no untoward reactions have been observed, noted, nor documented in the use of Issho Genki Squalene iP6.
People who have experienced allergies or side effects may be taking impure squalene or mere shark or fish liver oil. It should be noted that shark liver oil is not Squalene. Shark liver oil is composed of a variety of other substances such as retinol A, mercury, zinc, lead, arsenic, and Squalene. Squalene is pasteurized, processed and encapsulated as a separate substance from shark liver oil. The danger with raw shark liver is the presence of toxic substances such as PCB [Polychlorinated biphenyl] and DDT [Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane], which are believed to be carcinogenic.
11. Can Issho Genki Squalene iP6 be taken together with other vitamins, medicines or supplements?
Yes. It is important to understand that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is a natural food supplement and not a drug. It does not interact nor is it contraindicated with other medicines. You can safely take it together with your other drug regimens, vitamins and other health food supplements.
12. Do you need a prescription for Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
No. Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is not a drug that requires a prescription from physicians. It is classified as a health food supplement that is completely safe. On the other hand, more and more well-informed physicians are recognizing the health-giving benefits of this substance and are routinely recommending it for their patients as an antioxidant - cell protector.
13. Can Issho Genki Squalene iP6 take the place of vitamins?
Squalene and vitamins are substances whose chemical structures and functions completely differ. To substitute one for the other is not feasible. Vitamins have an important role to play in nutrition and there is a need to take them. Squalene, however functions in cell protection, cell renewal, and eventually to disease prevention.
14. Where does Issho Genki Squalene iP6 come from?
Issho Genki Squalene is extracted from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish - a very prolific fish that can be found in just about every region in the world. The deep-sea dogfish is just one variety of dogfishes, which come from the same classification as that of sharks. There are about 350 different species of shark and about 70 species of the dogfish.
15. Is the dogfish in danger of being extinct?
The dogfish is a very abundant fish. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature called this specie the dogfish due to the fact that it is found abundantly in almost all parts of the world. While the dogfish belongs to the shark family, it is not among the endangered species list. A recent report from the Seafood Research Laboratory of New Zealand, says there is currently no danger of over-fishing.
16. Is Squalene found only in the deep-sea dogfish?
No. In fact, Squalene is found in olive oil, green and leafy vegetables, wheat germ oil but only in minimal quantities that may not provide enough health benefits to your body. The liver oil of the deep-sea dogfish is the only natural source that can provide pure, abundant natural Squalene which, when extracted provides significant antioxidant benefits to your body.
17. Would consuming olives provide the necessary levels of dietary Squalene in the body?
Squalene is present in olives in minimal quantities not enough to provide the needed isoprenoids in the body. The only rich source of dietary squalene comes from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish. You would be required to consume barrels of olives to get the necessary levels of the isoprenoid Squalene in your body.
18. Are there any scientific publications about Squalene?
Yes. Aside from the vast array of research and studies done on Squalene's beneficial effect, scientific publications can be noted such as the book "Squalene - Treasure of the Deep," by Dr. Takashi Yokota - Japan's foremost authority on Squalene research. This book exhaustively discusses the nature, beneficial effects and clinical applications of Squalene.
A book by Dr. Bikul Das, a research fellow from the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute, authored a book entitled "The Science Behind Squalene - The Human Antioxidant," which contains scientific and medical facts and findings about Squalene as an excellent isoprenoid antioxidant. The book is currently hailed as the most credible book on the subject - Squalene.
19. Are there clinical studies done to validate the health benefits of Squalene?
Yes. Various research papers and clinical studies in Japan have been done to evaluate the cancer preventive action of Squalene.
A large epidemiological study conducted in Greece found that people using a Squalene rich diet have a decreased risk of prostate cancer.
Documented clinical studies have been done in Taiwan to evaluate the effects of Squalene in reducing bad-cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol levels.
Currently, Dr. Bikul Das of the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute in Toronto, Canada are studying the effect of Squalene in reducing tumor growth.
Ongoing studies are being undertaken worldwide to determine further Squalene's additional health benefits.
20. Are there any certifications to verify the purity of Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
The Japan Food Research Laboratory - one of the most stringent laboratories in the world provide certification on the purity of Issho Genki Squalene iP6. It does not contain any toxic substances such as PCB nor DDT.
The University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute provides a certification of official use of Issho Genki Squalene iP6 in all their studies on the substance. Certificates show that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 contains 99.9% Squalene contents.
Squalene is a remarkable nutrient produced in our bodies and is also found in nature. It belongs to a class of antioxidants called isoprenoids. An isoprenoid is a cell-friendly molecule that neutralizes the harmful effects of excessive free radicals in the body.
2. What are free radicals?
Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons. When these invade the body cells, they act like knives that slash cell membranes of our body. Excessive free radical production due to environmental pollution, harmful UV radiation and toxic chemicals poses a tremendous threat to our body cells causing disease states such as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, dermatological system disorders, cataract and other age-related diseases of man.
3. How do free radicals damage the cell?
Free radicals damage our cells in many ways. Picture a healthy cell with a cell membrane, which is the protective coat of the cell. At its center is the nucleus with an enveloping nuclear membrane. Free radicals can cause damage by:
- Breaking off the cell membrane, destroying the cell's identity.
- Puncturing the cell membrane, allowing harmful bacteria and viruses to enter easily.
- Destroying the nuclear membrane, exposing the nucleus and the genes.
This series of destructive events render the cell susceptible to mutation of cells, immune system disorders, cell death, tissue damage and eventually diseases.
4. Why is there a need to protect our cells?
Cells are the basic unit of life. Our bodies are composed of hundreds of millions of cells. Cells combine to form the entire human body. Life and health begins at the cell level - the healthier our cells are, the healthier we are. Unfortunately, our bodies are undergoing unprecedented attack from pollutants, carcinogens and increased ultraviolet radiation which induces the formation of excessive free radicals in the body. Our bodies cannot cope up with increased free radical production.
5. What are isoprenoids?
Our bodies are protected with cell-friendly molecules called isoprenoids. Very simply, isoprenoids are a group of organic molecules consisting of isoprene units. An isoprene unit is a benchmark of efficacy of an antioxidant. It is the isoprenoids chief weapon in fighting cell damaging free radicals. The more isoprene units and the more stable the isoprenoid molecule the more effective the isoprenoid is in neutralizing free radicals. Isoprenoids are found in nature. Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lycopene, beta-carotene and coenzyme Q10 are all isoprenoids. Olive oil and various plants contain isoprenoid but only in minimal quantities. A rich source of natural isoprenoid is Squalene.
6. What are the beneficial properties of the isoprenoid - Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
Issho Genki Squalene iP6's foremost benefit is cell protection - protecting our cells from the disease-causing effects of free radicals. A healthy cell leads to a healthy body. The healthier our cells are, the healthier we are!
Various studies and laboratory findings have established that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is a cancer preventive agent. It prevents ordinary cells from becoming cancer cells.
Issho Genki Squalene iP6 protects the heart. Conclusive evidence shows that Squalene iP6 is able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, particularly the bad cholesterol [LDL-cholesterol] and increase levels of good cholesterol [HDL cholesterol]. It thereby protects us from the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Issho Genki Squalene iP6 helps prevent premature aging. Squalene is found abundantly in human skin and is considered the skin's natural antioxidant. It effectively combats free radicals induced by UV rays of the sun. It thereby makes the skin healthier, radiant and younger-looking.
7. How does Issho Genki Squalene iP6 differ from other isoprenoids?
There are mixed and pure isoprenoids and these differ from others in function and potency. Isoprenoids such as vitamin E have three isoprene units, ubiquinone [also known as coenzyme Q10] have ten isoprene units. Both Vitamin E and CoEnQ10 are called mixed isoprenoids because the isoprene units are attached to a mother molecule.
Squalene is a pure isoprenoid - wherein it is not attached to another molecule. It has six isoprene units providing it stability in its function as an antioxidant. The stability of the isoprenoid molecule determines its effectiveness in combating cell damaging free radicals. The more stable the isoprenoid, the more free radicals are neutralized, and the more cells are protected.
8. What is the best source of isoprenoids?
Squalene can also be found in olives, green and leafy vegetables, and wheat germ but only in minute quantities, which are insufficient to replenish the much-needed isoprenoid as a person ages. An abundant source of Squalene can be extracted from the livers of the deep-sea dogfish, which are encapsulated and taken in as dietary supplements.
Not many of us know that Squalene is already present in our bodies, primarily in the skin. We were born with an abundance of natural Squalene. That is why when we were babies, our skin is radiant, soft and smooth. But as we reach the age of 25, the levels of this isoprenoid decreases, resulting to the occurrence of various disease conditions. It is in this light that the need for additional supplementation of the isoprenoid arises - Squalene is needed to replace that which was depleted.
Issho Genki Genuine Squalene is a rich source of natural isoprenoid.
9. Is Issho Genki Squalene iP6 safe?
Issho Genki Genuine Squalene iP6 is guaranteed to be 99.9 percent pure and natural Squalene as certified by the Japan Food Research Laboratories - one of the most stringent laboratories in the world. With this, consumers are ensured that what they are taking is pure-grade, high-quality Squalene without the presence of synthetic additives, artificial colorings or preservatives.
Scientific research and clinical trials have shown that Squalene is safe as a dietary supplement in food and in capsules and no untoward incidents have been reported in the use of Squalene. Squalene has been used by the Japanese people for centuries and has attributed their strength and health to this substance.
And besides... what can be safer than a substance which is already present in your bodies.
10. Are there any side effects associated with taking Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
So far, no untoward reactions have been observed, noted, nor documented in the use of Issho Genki Squalene iP6.
People who have experienced allergies or side effects may be taking impure squalene or mere shark or fish liver oil. It should be noted that shark liver oil is not Squalene. Shark liver oil is composed of a variety of other substances such as retinol A, mercury, zinc, lead, arsenic, and Squalene. Squalene is pasteurized, processed and encapsulated as a separate substance from shark liver oil. The danger with raw shark liver is the presence of toxic substances such as PCB [Polychlorinated biphenyl] and DDT [Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane], which are believed to be carcinogenic.
11. Can Issho Genki Squalene iP6 be taken together with other vitamins, medicines or supplements?
Yes. It is important to understand that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is a natural food supplement and not a drug. It does not interact nor is it contraindicated with other medicines. You can safely take it together with your other drug regimens, vitamins and other health food supplements.
12. Do you need a prescription for Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
No. Issho Genki Squalene iP6 is not a drug that requires a prescription from physicians. It is classified as a health food supplement that is completely safe. On the other hand, more and more well-informed physicians are recognizing the health-giving benefits of this substance and are routinely recommending it for their patients as an antioxidant - cell protector.
13. Can Issho Genki Squalene iP6 take the place of vitamins?
Squalene and vitamins are substances whose chemical structures and functions completely differ. To substitute one for the other is not feasible. Vitamins have an important role to play in nutrition and there is a need to take them. Squalene, however functions in cell protection, cell renewal, and eventually to disease prevention.
14. Where does Issho Genki Squalene iP6 come from?
Issho Genki Squalene is extracted from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish - a very prolific fish that can be found in just about every region in the world. The deep-sea dogfish is just one variety of dogfishes, which come from the same classification as that of sharks. There are about 350 different species of shark and about 70 species of the dogfish.
15. Is the dogfish in danger of being extinct?
The dogfish is a very abundant fish. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature called this specie the dogfish due to the fact that it is found abundantly in almost all parts of the world. While the dogfish belongs to the shark family, it is not among the endangered species list. A recent report from the Seafood Research Laboratory of New Zealand, says there is currently no danger of over-fishing.
16. Is Squalene found only in the deep-sea dogfish?
No. In fact, Squalene is found in olive oil, green and leafy vegetables, wheat germ oil but only in minimal quantities that may not provide enough health benefits to your body. The liver oil of the deep-sea dogfish is the only natural source that can provide pure, abundant natural Squalene which, when extracted provides significant antioxidant benefits to your body.
17. Would consuming olives provide the necessary levels of dietary Squalene in the body?
Squalene is present in olives in minimal quantities not enough to provide the needed isoprenoids in the body. The only rich source of dietary squalene comes from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish. You would be required to consume barrels of olives to get the necessary levels of the isoprenoid Squalene in your body.
18. Are there any scientific publications about Squalene?
Yes. Aside from the vast array of research and studies done on Squalene's beneficial effect, scientific publications can be noted such as the book "Squalene - Treasure of the Deep," by Dr. Takashi Yokota - Japan's foremost authority on Squalene research. This book exhaustively discusses the nature, beneficial effects and clinical applications of Squalene.
A book by Dr. Bikul Das, a research fellow from the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute, authored a book entitled "The Science Behind Squalene - The Human Antioxidant," which contains scientific and medical facts and findings about Squalene as an excellent isoprenoid antioxidant. The book is currently hailed as the most credible book on the subject - Squalene.
19. Are there clinical studies done to validate the health benefits of Squalene?
Yes. Various research papers and clinical studies in Japan have been done to evaluate the cancer preventive action of Squalene.
A large epidemiological study conducted in Greece found that people using a Squalene rich diet have a decreased risk of prostate cancer.
Documented clinical studies have been done in Taiwan to evaluate the effects of Squalene in reducing bad-cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol levels.
Currently, Dr. Bikul Das of the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute in Toronto, Canada are studying the effect of Squalene in reducing tumor growth.
Ongoing studies are being undertaken worldwide to determine further Squalene's additional health benefits.
20. Are there any certifications to verify the purity of Issho Genki Squalene iP6?
The Japan Food Research Laboratory - one of the most stringent laboratories in the world provide certification on the purity of Issho Genki Squalene iP6. It does not contain any toxic substances such as PCB nor DDT.
The University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute provides a certification of official use of Issho Genki Squalene iP6 in all their studies on the substance. Certificates show that Issho Genki Squalene iP6 contains 99.9% Squalene contents.
Can it cause a side effect of a Dry cough.
Also can you. Break the capsule and use it on your skin on your face?
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I was diagnosed with enlarged thyroid. But when I took squalene for two months my thyroid went back to normal. I am the living proof that it works because I tried it myself.
It's a fast healing oil when you apply directly on wounds.. In just 3 days, your wound gets dry but soft skin.. it's my own experience..
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